Z3D Graphics Engine

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The Z3D Graphics Engine (Z3Dグラフィックスエンジン) is a graphics engine developed by Mitsubishi for making high quality 3D games on Docomo mova devices. The API belongs to com.nttdocomo.opt.ui.j3d2. The capabilities of this engine were demonstrated in the Dokodemo Chocobo (Series) games, which game pre-installed on Mitsubishi's mobile phones between the D504i and D506i.

Plugin for iDKDoJa[edit | edit source]

A plugin for running the API on iDKDoJa was previously distributed on the following website, but it has since been lost. We are looking for these!

(d504i_plug_in101.zip / Doja3_D505i_Plugin102.zip / d3d2.dll)

Gallery[edit | edit source]

External Links[edit | edit source]

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