Star Soldier VS DoDonPachi Daiojou CARAVAN'06

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Star Soldier VS DoDonPachi Daiojou CARAVAN'06 (スターソルジャー vs 怒首領蜂 大往生 CARAVAN’06) is a cross-over game between the Star Soldier series by Hudson and the DoDonPachi series by Cave. The game combined a variety of elements between the two series such as ships and stages. The ships and stages available depended on whether you were subscribed to Hudson's Chaku☆Apu♪ service or Cave's Game Center Yokocho service. Users only registered on Hudson's Chaku☆Apu♪ service are able to play as Caesar in "Dodonpachi Daioujou Stage” and "Caravan Stage", and "Gokujo Shooting Arcade Yokocho". Users only registered on Cave's Game Center Yokocho service are only able to play as Type-A on the "Caravan Stage". Users with accounts on both services are able to use all ships and stages freely. The Caravan Stage features enemies and music from both series in the crossover. Downloads for the game closed on 21 August 2006.

Star Soldier VS DoDonPachi Daiojou CARAVAN'06




Keitai Star Soldier Series
Main Series Star Soldier - Star Soldier 2001 - Star Soldier FLASH MODE - Star Soldier MISSION MODE - Star Soldier Remake - Star Soldier Special - Star Soldier VS DoDonPachi Daiojou CARAVAN'06 - Little Star Soldier

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