Rosen Queenland

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Rosen Queenland

Rosen Queenland (ローゼンクイーンランド) was an i-mode site for games and media related to the Marl Kingdom series.

After Rosen Queenland was shut down, Marl Kingdom games continued distribution on the site Nippon Ichi GAMES.

List of Games[edit | edit source]

Game Original Title Notes
Boken no Sho (Happy Hunt) 冒険の章 This is a new RPG for mobile phones based in Marl Kingdom with all new characters
Elinger Puzzle エリンギャパズル Re-released as part of the Appli Archives
Marl Slot マールスロット
Nyanko Panel ニャンコパネル Re-released as part of the Appli Archives
Nyanko Suberi ニャンコすべり Re-released as part of the Appli Archives

Gallery[edit | edit source]

External links[edit | edit source]

Keitai Marl Kingdom Series
Main Series Marl Okoku no Ningyo Hime i - Little Princess i Okokumonogatari - Boken no Sho (Happy Hunt)
Spin-off Games Elinger Puzzle - Marl Slot - Nyanko Panel - Nyanko Suberi
Sites Rosen Queenland

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