Professor Layton and the Mansion of the Deathly Mirror

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Professor Layton and the Mansion of the Deathly Mirror (レイトン教授と死鏡の館 ) is a game in the Professor Layton series that was exclusively released for mobile. It was available on Professor Layton Mobile. The game features a brand new story formed by 6 chapters in total. Each chapter was his own i-appli, and they were released every two weeks starting from October 2008. As of June 2024, a translation of the original version is in the works, with the first chapter already released.

Professor Layton and the Mansion of the Deathly Mirror
© LEVEL-5 Inc.

Professor Layton and the Mansion of the Deathly Mirror -Remix- (レイトン教授と死鏡の館 -REMIX-) is an updated version of Professor Layton and the Mansion of the Deathly Mirror available to i-Mode devices through the Professor Layton Mobile and Mobile R portal. This version has different puzzles, slightly better animations and slightly different dialogues compared to the original version.


Professor Layton and his number one apprentice, Luke Triton, are invited to a party hosted by famous author Drevin Murdoch. At this party, he reveals to be in possession of a mirror that allows the attendants to talk to the dead. However, after Murdoch is found dead the following morning, it's up to Layton and Luke to find out the truth behind the Deathly Mirror, and the secrets Murdoch's Mansion holds.


Professor Layton and the Mansion of the Deathly Mirror[edit]

Professor Layton and the Mansion of the Deathly Mirror -Remix-[edit]


Full Playthrough Playlist (REMIX)[edit]

About the game[edit]

Gameplay Footage (Original)[edit]

External Links[edit]

  Keitai Professor Layton Series  
Game Portals Professor Layton Mobile / Mobile R
Main Series Professor Layton and the Curious Village - Professor Layton and the London Holiday - Professor Layton and the Diabolical Box - Professor Layton and the Mansion of the Deathly Mirror (REMIX)
Other Luke's Puzzle Book - Inspector Chelmey's Casebook - Professor Layton and the Pocky Mystery

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