Pokémon Hiroba

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Pokémon Hiroba

Pokémon Hiroba (ポケモンひろば) is a site for Pokémon-themed mobile content. The service closed on February 28, 2014.[1]

Pokémon Collection[edit | edit source]

Pokémon Collection

Though Pokémon Hiroba began as a region-based kisekae site, more services were added over time. This specific feature was renamed to "Pokémon Collection" as the site retained its title.[2]

Pokémon Station/Pokémon Station★DX[edit | edit source]

Pokémon Station

Pokémon Station is a site which distributes ringtones, emoji, standby images and flash content. Pokémon Station★DX is a version of Pokémon Station with exclusive media with unique designs.[3]

Gallery[edit | edit source]

Decomail[edit | edit source]

Kisekae[edit | edit source]

Pokémon Collection and Pokémon Station advertisements from a flyer

Pokémon Sound♪Movie[edit | edit source]

Pokémon Sound♪Movie

Pokémon Sound♪Movie is a site which distributes ringtones, music, video clips, standby images and short sound clips.

Pokémon Zenkoku Zukan[edit | edit source]

Pokémon Zenkoku Zukan

Pokémon Zenkoku Zukan is a mobile version of the National Pokédex from the Pokémon franchise.

Gallery[edit | edit source]

Pokémon Zukan Master[edit | edit source]

Pokémon Zukan Master

Pokémon Zukan Master is a site for the encyclopedia quiz game which trains fans on their Pokémon knowledge from the Pokédex. Users can gain "Master Points" when they answer questions correctly, allowing them to try the harder "Level Up Quiz". If they do well, their rank on their designation card will increase, with the lowest rank being "Ichinensei" (Beginner) and the highest rank being "Zukan Hakase" (Encyclopedia Professor).

Gallery[edit | edit source]

Gallery[edit | edit source]

Distributed Content[edit | edit source]

Videos[edit | edit source]

See also[edit | edit source]

External links[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]

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