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i-mode > Machi-Chara

Machi-Chara (マチキャラ) is a feature that allows avatars to appear on the standby screen and menu on i-mode devices. Machi-Charas were deeply tied to the now defunct i-Concier service. This service would have made the Machi-Chara your personal virtual assistant, as it would have told you about unread mails, the current weather and also things such as traffic or earthquake alerts.

Machi-Chara have also been available on smart phones through various apps at various points in time. One application that used Machi-Chara was Shabette Concier (しゃべってコンシェル), which offered support for voice commands. Machi-Chara used for Shabette Concier were also referred to as Shabette Chara ( しゃべってキャラ).

List of Machi-Chara[edit | edit source]

Pre-Installed Machi-Chara[edit | edit source]

For a full list of pre-installed Machi-Chara, please view List of Pre-Installed Machi-Chara.

Downloaded Machi-Chara[edit | edit source]

Please note that this is not a complete list as a large number of Machi-Chara both official and fan-made have been produced.

Image Machi-Chara Original Name Series Preserved?
Hitsuji no Shitsuji-kun (JAL Course) ひつじのしつじくん(JALコース) Hitsuji no Shitsuji (DoCoMo character)

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