Luke's Puzzle Book

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Luke's Puzzle Book
© LEVEL-5 Inc.

Luke’s Puzzle Book (ルーク少年のナゾブック) was a playable game on the Professor Layton Mobile and Professor Layton Mobile R services. Little is known about this game besides the fact that you could buy puzzles and that there was some kind of online leaderboard.

Later on, a sequel was released on the Layton Mobile R service called Luke’s Puzzle Book 2 (ルーク少年のナゾブック2). At the moment, there is no information on this sequel besides screenshots. It is assumed that the game followed the same format but was simply an updated version for Layton Mobile R.

Synopsis[edit | edit source]

Luke’s Puzzle Book (ルーク少年のナゾブック) is a puzzle game specialized in puzzle-solving play, and the number of questions increases. You can also check your data and see where it ranks among users nationwide. It is truly an irresistible game for puzzle-solving fans.

Gallery[edit | edit source]

External Links[edit | edit source]


Keitai Professor Layton Series
Game Portals Professor Layton Mobile / Mobile R
Main Series Professor Layton and the Curious Village - Professor Layton and the London Holiday - Professor Layton and the Diabolical Box - Professor Layton and the Mansion of the Deathly Mirror (REMIX)
Other Luke's Puzzle Book - Inspector Chelmey's Casebook - Professor Layton and the Pocky Mystery

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