Hudson Soft Games
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Game List[edit | edit source]
Other[edit | edit source]
(i) Ai Cho Aniki
120 × 120
Ainori Taxi
200 × 200
Aqua Diving
236 × 237
Armed Panzer Shien
180 × 180
800 × 1,066
Binary Land
165 × 165
Block Wall
800 × 1,066
Bullet Rally
150 × 150
Cannonball V2
150 × 150
Chokkan!! Kororinpa
File missing
Double Dungeons
240 × 240
Dungeon Explorer
800 × 1,066
180 × 180
Hagoita Battle
360 × 159
IQ Check
150 × 150
IQ Check 2
180 × 180
Kaizou Choujin Shubibinman
800 × 1,066
150 × 150
Kakuzo Friends
150 × 150
200 × 200
Little Star Soldier
800 × 1,066
Lost House
301 × 296
Maniac Pro-Wrestling
800 × 1,066
Milon no Hoshizora Shabon
180 × 180
199 × 224
Neural Awakening: Honeycomb Beat
1,073 × 1,080
Nuts & Milk
90 × 90
Power League
1,071 × 1,077
Power Tennis
800 × 1,066
Princess Tomato in the Salad Kingdom
333 × 172
Reversi (Hudson)
170 × 170
90 × 90
Shiny Mirror
180 × 180
Star Soldier
90 × 94
Star Soldier 2001
100 × 130
Star Soldier FLASH MODE
595 × 592
Star Soldier special
360 × 360
Super Star Soldier
1,077 × 1,080
Tengai Makyou: Ziria
240 × 240
THE Kung Fu
1,073 × 1,080
Victory Run
180 × 180
Ys I
128 × 128
180 × 247
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