Futari de Puyo Puyo

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Futari de Puyo Puyo

Futari de Puyo Puyo (ふたりでぷよぷよ) is a two player Puyo Puyo game by Sega that was distributed on Sonic Cafe. Players would share the same phone to play the game.

Futari de Puyo Puyo was included as one of the four Puyo Puyo games for Puyo Puyo DX.

Gallery[edit | edit source]

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Keitai Puyo Puyo Series
Feature Phone Games Puyo Puyo (2001) - Hitori - Futari - DX - Fever (N / DX / Habanero) - Solitaire - Task Mode - Zurashi - Tokoton - ~n & Columns - 15th Anniversary - 7 School Mode - Puyo Puyo (Tsu) - Nazo Puyo (2)
PocketPC Games Puyo Puyo for PocketPC - Fever

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