Final Fantasy Legends: Warriors of Light and Darkness

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Final Fantasy Legends: Warriors of Light and Darkness

Final Fantasy Legends: Warriors of Light and Darkness (ファイナルファンタジー レジェンズ 光と闇の戦士) is a Final Fantasy spin-off game released for Japanese feature phones. The game was later re-released internationally for iOS and Android under the name Final Fantasy Dimensions.

Chapters[edit | edit source]

Down below is a table that shows all the chapters and their release date for each carrier, along with their preservation status. Please note that a Postgame Dungeon has been preserved as well.

Chapter Number Chapter Name i-Mode Au Preserved
Prologue "Prologue"


September 6, 2010 December 9, 2010
Chapter 1 "Tome of Dawn"


September 6, 2010 December 9, 2010
Chapter 2 "Tome of Light, the Dragoon's Tale: The Last of the Dragoons"

光の章 竜騎士編 『最後の竜騎士』

October 4, 2010 January 6, 2011
Chapter 3 "Tome of Darkness, the Ranger's Tale: The Ranger Whose Light was Stolen"

闇の章 レンジャー編 『光奪われしレンジャー』

November 1, 2010 February 10, 2011 i-modeYes
Chapter 4 "Tome of Light, the Bard's Tale: A Bard's Love"

光の章 吟遊詩人編 『吟遊詩人の恋』

December 6, 2010 March 10, 2011
Chapter 5 "Tome of Darkness, the Dark Knight's Tale: The Knight Wandering in Darkness"

闇の章 暗黒騎士編 『さまよう暗黒の騎士』

January 4, 2011 April 7, 2011
Chapter 6 "Tome of Light, the Memorist's Tale: The Memorist's Sorrow"

光の章 メモリスト編 『哀しみのメモリスト』

February 7, 2011 June 9, 2011
Chapter 7 "Tome of Darkness, the Dancer's Tale: Dancer of the Battlefield"

闇の章 踊り子編 『戦場の踊り子』

March 7, 2011 May 19, 2011
Chapter 8 "Tome of Light, the Knight's Tale: Revival of a Knight"

光の章 ナイト編 『騎士の復活』

April 11, 2011 July 7, 2011
Chapter 9 "Tome of Darkness, the Ninja's Tale: A Shinobi's Fate"

闇の章 忍者編 『忍びの運命』

May 9, 2011 August 4, 2011
Chapter 10 "Tome of Twilight"


June 13, 2011 September 8, 2011
Finale (Part 1 of 2) "Finale Part One: Decisive Battle! The Avalon Empire"

終章・前編 『決戦!アヴァロン帝国』

July 11, 2011 October 6, 2011
Finale (Part 2 of 2) "Finale Part Two: Fate of the World"

終章・後編 『世界の行方』

August 8, 2011 November 10, 2011

Gallery[edit | edit source]

External Links[edit | edit source]

Keitai Final Fantasy Series
Game Portal Final Fantasy Mobile
Main Series Final Fantasy (I / II / IV) - Final Fantasy IV: The After Years
Final Fantasy VII Before Crisis - Gold Saucer - Extra - Dirge of Cerberus Lost Episode - Snowboarding
Chocobo Series Chocomate - Chocobo de Mobile - Dokodemo Chocobo
Other Crystal Guardians - Final Fantasy Legends

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