City Connection: Rocket

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City Connection: Rocket

City Connection: Rocket (シティコネクション・ロケット) is an official sequel to the 1985 Jaleco arcade game City Connection that was exclusively released for Japanese feature phones. City Connection: Rocket was later re-released for Nintendo Switch as part of the G-mode Archives series.

in City Connection: Rocket, the main character Clarice acts as a spy for a secret organization on the search for criminals. The player must collect a certain number of suitcases to complete each level while avoiding police cars and cats. The player can also collect oil cans that can be shot out as projectiles towards the police cars.

Gallery[edit | edit source]

Original[edit | edit source]

Video[edit | edit source]

G-mode Archives+ - City Connection: Rocket (Trailer)[edit | edit source]


External links[edit | edit source]

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