Battle Gurujam

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Battle Gurujam

Battle Gurujam (対戦ぐるじゃむ) is a game site by G-mode that focused on competitive, online multiplayer games. A majority of the collection consists of tabletop games, though there are featured titles from other series such as Tetris and Magical Drop.

Battle Gurujam was later made available for Android devices.

List of Games[edit | edit source]

Game Original Title Services
4 Player Match Daifugo 4人対戦大富豪 i-mode
Abata Janken: Achimute Hoi あばたーじゃんけん~あっちむいてホイ♪~ i-modeEZwebYahoo!Keitai
Angel's Solitaire DX Ranking 天使のソリティアDX ランキング i-modeEZwebYahoo!Keitai
Battle Daifugo DX 対戦大富豪DX i-modeEZwebYahoo!Keitai
Battle Othello 対戦オセロ i-modeYahoo!Keitai
Battle Othello DX 対戦オセロDX i-modeEZwebYahoo!Keitai
Battle Play Hanafuda DX 対戦遊々花札DX i-modeEZwebYahoo!Keitai
Challenge! Daifugo 2 挑戦!大富豪2 i-mode
Competitive Chess Club 対戦チェス倶楽部 i-mode
Competitive Mahjong DX ~Team de Battle~ 対戦麻雀DX~チームdeバトル~ i-modeYahoo!Keitai
Competitive Play Mahjong 対戦遊々麻雀 i-mode
Competitive Shogi Club 対戦将棋倶楽部 i-mode
Gojuko! Hanafuda 極上!花札 i-modeEZwebYahoo!Keitai
Gojuko! Mahjong 極上!麻雀 i-modeEZwebYahoo!Keitai
Gojuko! Othello 極上!オセロ i-modeEZwebYahoo!Keitai
Grand Strategy Mobile/Grand Strategy Mobile Weapons Encyclopedia 大戦略mobile / 大戦略mobile 兵器図鑑 i-mode
Lucky Blackjack ラッキー・ブラックジャック i-modeEZwebYahoo!Keitai
Lucky Roulette ラッキールーレット i-mode
Magical Drop BATTLE マジカルドロップBATTLE i-mode
Mahjong Kindergarden 麻雀幼稚園 i-mode
Playful Hanafuda DX 遊々花札DX i-mode
Play Mahjong 2 遊々麻雀2 i-mode
Play Mahjong 2 DX 遊々麻雀2DX i-mode
Poker Freak ポーカーフリーク i-mode
Side Pocket ~Billiards DX~ サイドポケット~ビリヤードDX~ i-mode
Super Hot! Challenge Daifugo 激アツ!挑戦大富豪
TETRIS BATTLE TETRIS BATTLE(テトリス バトル) i-modeYahoo!Keitai
TETRIS BLACK TETRIS BLACK RANKING (テトリスブラックランキング) i-modeEZwebYahoo!Keitai
TETRIS LEAGUE TETRIS LEAGUE(テトリスリーグ) i-modeEZwebYahoo!Keitai

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